
Tower Study

  • Client : UAUIM Bucharest
  • Year : 2009
  • Skills : concept design, funcitonal design, 3D modelling, AutoCAD drafting, V-Ray rendering

Office Tower Study was a studio project that aimed at teaching how to design high-rise buildings and how these impact the city skyline. The site chosen is a developing area of Bucharest’s west, where many near-by industrial parks have been demolished to make room for office buildings.

The site itself is very well positioned, on the corner of two large streets, and right next to the future Basarab Highway (now finished), and close to metro, bus and tram stations.

The tower itself was placed in such a way that it becomes a perspective highlight when driving along the Dambovita river or on the Basarab Highway. The vertical element consists only of offices, and it is connected with a horizontal element which houses the conference room, meeting rooms, cafe, and exhibition, thus upgrading the compound’s functions. Also, on the same site there are a commercial building and a student’s center that create a more private plaza to the back of the tower, while the front (to the main streets) is used as a more public area.

The facade concept is pragmatic: simple colored metal net double facade used to filter light, protect from too much sunlight and be a canvas for a Mondrian-like composition.

The facade itself is easily convertible as the panels can be removed to be repainted so new images can be created, and by LED addition on the metal net new images or animations can be created by night.